Anticancer Nanotherapy
- Improving the Efficacy of Magnetic Nanoparticle-Mediated Hyperthermia Using Trapezoidal Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields as an In Vitro Anticancer Treatment in Melanoma and Glioblastoma Multiforme Cell Lines. Lilia Souiade, Javier Domingo-Diez, Cesar Alcaide, Berta Gámez, Linarejos Gámez, Milagros Ramos and José Javier Serrano Olmedo. (2023).
- Effectiveness of Gold Nanorods of Different Sizes in Photothermal Therapy to Eliminate Melanoma and Glioblastoma Cells. Domingo-Díez, Javier; Souiade Lilia; Manzaneda-González Vanesa; Sánchez-Díez Marta; Megias Diego; Guerrero-Martínez Andrés; Ramírez-Castillejo Carmen; Serrano Olmedo, Javier; Ramos-Gómez, Milagros. (2023).
- Enhancing Magnetic Hyperthermia Nanoparticle Heating Efficiency with Non-Sinusoidal Alternating Magnetic Field Waveforms. Nanomaterials. 11. 3240. 10.3390/nano11123240.
Zeinoun, Michael & Domingo-Díez, Javier & Rodriguez-Garcia, Miguel & Garcia, Oscar & Vasic, Miroslav & Ramos, Milagros & Serrano Olmedo, José. (2021). - Configurable High-Frequency Alternating Magnetic Field Generator for Nanomedical Magnetic Hyperthermia Applications. IEEE Access. PP. 1-1. 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3099428. Zeinoun, Michael & Serrano, Diego & Tezanos, Pablo & Garcia, Oscar & Vasic, Miroslav & Serrano Olmedo, José. (2021).
- The Use of Silica Microparticles to Improve the Efficiency of Optical Hyperthermia (OH). International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 22. 5091. 10.3390/ijms22105091. Casanova, Oscar & Zeinoun, Michael & Urbano Bojorge, Ana & Bacha, Fernando & Livi, J. & Agudo, Esther & De Vargas Romero, Gema & Ramos, M & Martínez-Murillo, Ricardo & Serrano Olmedo, José. (2021).
- Slowdown intracranial glioma progression by optical hyperthermia therapy: study on a CT-2A mouse astrocytoma model. «Nanotechnology», v. 30 (n. 35); pp. 1-12. ISSN 0957-4484. Casanova Carvajal, Oscar Ernesto Simón; Urbano Bojorge, Ana Lorena; Ramos Gómez, Milagros; Serrano Olmedo, José Javier y Martínez Murillo, Ricardo (2019).
- Influence of medium viscosity and intracellular environment on the magnetization of superparamagnetic nanoparticles in silk fibroin solutions and 3T3 mouse fibroblast cell cultures“. Nanotechnology” v. 29 n. 38; Ana Lorena Urbano-Bojorge, Oscar Casanova-Carvajal, Nazario Félix-González, Laura Fernández, Rodrigo Madurga, Santiago Sánchez-Cabezas, Elena Aznar, Milagros Ramos and José Javier Serrano-Olmedo
- Optical hyperthermia using anti-epidermal growth factor receptor-conjugated gold nanorods to induce cell death in glioblastoma cell lines. «Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology», v. 16 ; pp. 1-7. ISSN 1533-4880. Fernández Cabada, Tamara; Sánchez-López de Pablo, Cristina; Pisarchy, Liudmila; Serrano Olmedo, Jose Javier y Ramos Gómez, Milagros (2016).
- Optical absorption coefficients of gold nanorods through acoustic waves in an optical hyperthermia system. Escudero, P. F.; Sánchez, C.; Pozo Guerrero, Francisco del y Serrano Olmedo, Jose Javier (2015). Optical absorption coefficients of gold nanorods through acoustic waves in an optical hyperthermia system. En: «VI Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering (CLAIB 2014)», 29/10/2014 – 31/10/2014, Paraná, Argentina. pp. 51-54.
- A method to obtain the thermal parameters and the photothermal transduction efficiency in an optical hyperthermia device based on laser irradiation of gold nanoparticles. «Nanoscale Research Letters», v. 9 (n. 441); pp. 1-7. ISSN 1931-7573. Sánchez López de Pablo, Cristina; Serrano Olmedo, Jose Javier; Mina Rosales, Alejandra; Ramírez Hernández, Norma y Pozo Guerrero, Francisco del (2014).
- Power absorption measurements during NMR experiments. «Journal of Magnetics», v. 19 (n. 2); pp. 155-160. ISSN 1226-1750. Felix González, Nazario; Urbano Bojorge, Ana Lorena; Sanchez Lopez de Pablo, Cristina; Ferro Llanos, Vicente; Pozo Guerrero, Francisco del y Serrano Olmedo, Jose Javier (2014).
- Photoacoustic effect measurement in aqueous suspensions of gold nanorods caused by low-frequency and low-power near-infrared pulsing laser irradiation. «Applied Optics», v. 52 (n. 19); pp. 4698-4705. ISSN 1559-128X. Sanchez Lopez de Pablo, Cristina; Ramos Ávila, Julio Alberto; Fernández Caballero, Carlos; Pozo Guerrero, Francisco del y Serrano Olmedo, Jose Javier (2013).
- Thermal and mechanical effects of different excitation modes based on low frequency laser modulation in optical hyperthermia. En: «13th edition of Trends in Nanotechnology International Conference (TNT2012)», 10/09/2012 – 14/09/2012, Madrid, España. pp. 170-171. Sanchez Lopez de Pablo, Cristina; Ramos Gomez, Milagros; Fernáncez Cabada, Tamara; Ramos Ávila, Julio Alberto; Martínez, Alberto; Pozo Guerrero, Francisco del y Serrano Olmedo, Jose Javier (2012).
- Research lines in Hyperthermia at the Bioinstrumentation Laboratory of the Centre for Biomedical Technology. En: «Imaginenano 2011», 11/04/2011 – 14/04/2011, Bilbao, España. Serrano Olmedo, Jose Javier; Mina Rosales, Alejandra; Sanchez Lopez de Pablo, Cristina; Hernández, L.E.; Felix González, Nazario; Fernandez, T.; Crespo, J.; Ferro, V.; Garcia, R.A.; Urbano Bojorge, Ana Lorena; Aznar, E.; Martinez, R.; Hernandez, L.; Arroyo, E.; Ramos Gomez, Milagros y Pozo Guerrero, Francisco del (2011).
- Caracterización de micro y nanopartículas magnéticas para aplicaciones biomédicas. «Revista Mexicana de Biotecnología y Bioingeniería», v. 14 (n. 2); pp. 43-59. ISSN 0188-4786. García Mendoza, Ruben Antonio; Mina Rosales, Alejandra; Felix González, Nazario; Serrano Olmedo, Jose Javier y Pozo Guerrero, Francisco del (2010).
- El magnetómetro por gradiente alternante de campo: una nueva herramienta para la caracterización de nanopartículas magnéticas en biofluidos y tejidos biológicos. En: «XXVI Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica (CASEIB 2008)», 15/10/2008-17/10/2008, Valladolid, España. ISBN 978-84-691-3640-9. Ferro Llanos, Vicente; Serrano Olmedo, Jose Javier; Maestu Unturbe, Ceferino; Sanchez Lopez de Pablo, Cristina; Maicas Ramos, Marco Cesar; Aroca Hernández-Ros, Claudio; Sanz Lluch, M. del Mar y Pozo Guerrero, Francisco del (2008). .
- ANN-Based Discernment of Septic and Inflammatory Synovial Fluid: A Novel Method Using Viscosity Data from a QCR Sensor. Sensors. 22. 9413.
Miranda-Martínez, Andrés & Sufrate-Vergara, Berta & Fernández-Puntero, Belén & Alcaide-Martin, María & Buño, Antonio & Serrano Olmedo, José. (2022). - Portable Quartz Crystal Resonator Sensor for Characterising the Gelation Kinetics and Viscoelastic Properties of Hydrogels. Gels. 8. 718. 10.3390/gels8110718. Miranda-Martínez, Andrés & Crouzier, Thomas & Yan, Hongji & Serrano Olmedo, José & Silveira, Valentin. (2022).
- Viscosity Measurement Sensor: A Prototype for a Novel Medical Diagnostic Method Based on Quartz Crystal Resonator. Sensors. 21. 2743. 10.3390/s21082743. Miranda-Martínez, Andrés & Rivera González, Marco Xavier & Zeinoun, Michael & Carvajal, Luis & Serrano Olmedo, José. (2021).
- Evaluation of Hyaluronic Acid Dilutions at Different Concentrations Using a Quartz Crystal Resonator (QCR) for the Potential Diagnosis of Arthritic Diseases. «Sensors», v. 16 (n. 11); pp. 1-16. ISSN 1424-8220. Carvajal Ahumada, Luis Armando; Rivera González, Marco Xavier; Herrera Sandoval, Oscar Leonardo y Serrano Olmedo, Jose Javier (2016).
- A new way to find dielectric properties of liquid sample using the quartz crystal resonator (QCR). «Sensors and Actuators A: Physical», v. 239 ; pp. 153-160. ISSN 0924-4247. Carvajal Ahumada, Luis Armando; Peña Pérez, Nuria; Herrera Sandoval, Oscar Leonardo; Pozo Guerrero, Francisco del y Serrano Olmedo, Jose Javier (2016).
- Diseño y Evaluación de un micro viscosímetro de bajo costo utilizando un resonador de cristal de cuarzo y Arduino. En: «Congreso Internacional de Ciencias Básicas e Ingeniería de Universidad de los Llanos», 2016, Villavicencio, Colombia. pp. 1-7. Armando; Pazos Alonso, Jhon Eyber; Serrano Olmedo, José Javier y Herrera Sandoval, Oscar Leonardo (2016).
- Avances en el diagnóstico de la discapacidad auditiva: técnica de la audiometría por Microfónicos Cocleares. En: «XXXIII Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica (CASEIB 2015)», 04/11/2015 – 06/11/2015, Madrid, España. pp. 484-486. Félix González, Nazario; Casonava Carvajal, Óscar; Sánchez López de Pablo, Cristina; Blas Narváez, L; Padilla, M. F. y Serrano Olmedo, José Javier (2015).
- Herramientas de modelado para Bioingeniería, casos de estudio: a) Antena de relajometría por Resonancia Magnética, b) Bobina generadora de gradientes magnéticos. En: «XXXIII Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica (CASEIB 2015)», 04/11/2015 – 06/11/2015, Madrid, España. ISBN 978-84-608-3354-3. pp. 418-421. Maestre Rendón, Juan Rodolfo; Amaya Jaramillo, Carlos David; Félix González, Nazario; Pozo Guerrero, Francisco del y Serrano Olmedo, Jose Javier (2015).
Assitive Technologies for people with impairments
- Computer Vision-Based Assistance System for Visually Impaired Individuals in Vending Machine Interactions. Karla Miriam Reyes Leiva; Roy Abi Zeid Daou; José Javier Serrano Olmedo. (2023).
- Accuracy Comparison of CNN, LSTM, and Transformer for Activity Recognition Using IMU and Visual Markers. María Fernanda Trujillo-Guerrero, Stadyn Román-Niemes, Milagros Jaén-Vargas, Alfonso Cadiz, Ricardo Fonseca, And José Javier Serrano-Olmedo. (2023).
- Estimation of Spatio-Temporal Parameters of Gait and Posture of Visually Impaired People Using Wearable Sensors. Reyes Leiva, Karla Miriam; Cuba Gato, Miguel Ángel; Serrano Olmedo, José Javier. (2023).
- Effects of sliding window variation in the performance of acceleration-based human activity recognition using deep learning models. PeerJ Computer Science. 8.
Jaén-Vargas, Milagros & Reyes Leiva, Karla & Fernandes, Francisco & Gonçalves, Sérgio & Silva, Miguel & Lopes, Daniel & Serrano Olmedo, José. (2022). - Inertial Measurement Unit Sensors in Assistive Technologies for Visually Impaired People, a Review. Sensors. 21. Reyes Leiva, Karla & Jaén-Vargas, Milagros & Codina, Benito & Serrano Olmedo, José. (2021).
- A Proposal of a Motion Measurement System to Support Visually Impaired People in Rehabilitation Using Low-Cost Inertial Sensors. Entropy. Reyes Leiva, Karla & Jaén-Vargas, Milagros & Cuba, Miguel & Lara, Sergio & Serrano Olmedo, José. (2021).
- Sensitive interfaces for blind people in virtual visits inside unknown spaces. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies.Volume 133, January 2020, Pages 13-25Author Nancy E Guerrón, Antonio Cobo, José J Serrano Olmedo, Carlos Martín.
- A Non-Contact Photoplethysmography Technique for the Estimation of Heart Rate via Smartphone. “Applied Sciences” 2019;10(1):154 DOI 10.3390/app10010154 Maestre-Rendon, J. Rodolfo; Rivera-Roman, Tomas A; Fernandez-Jaramillo, Arturo A; Guerrón Paredes, Nancy Guerrón; Serrano Olmedo, Jose Javier (2019).
- Methodology for Building Virtual Reality Mobile Applications for Blind People on Advanced Visits to Unknown Interior Spaces. Guerrón Paredes, Nancy Enriqueta; Cobo, Antonio; Martín, Carlos; Serrano, José Javier. International Association for Development of the Information Society, Paper presented at the International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) International Conference on Mobile Learning (14th, Lisbon, Portugal, Apr 14-16, 2018).
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Anticancer Nanotherapy
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